Monday, July 1, 2013


1. Row 4x 500m row w/ 1 min rest (ALL OUT!!)
2. 3-1 OH Sq
3. EMOM 8- 1 Snatch @ 90% (Only get 1 attempt per minute. If you miss you will add on an extra minute at the end)
4. For Time: 75 T2B w/ EMOM of 20 Double Unders
1. Run 4 400m. Rest times it takes you to complete the run
2. 3-1 Bench w/ 2 negatives when doing 1 rep
3. EMOM 20-ODD-5 clean and jerks @135/95 (Focus on speed)
Even-Men=5 muscle ups
Girls= 5 ring dips (try to go unassisted as long as possible)
Wednesday –
1. Diane (Men and Women go prescribed weight no matter what)
2. Row 2000m for time (ALL OUT!!!)
3. Back Extensions 3x20
4. L-sit on bars (Take your max L-sit and divide it in half. L-sit for that time then rest for that time. Do 8 sets. Example: Max L-sit is 20 sec. Ill do L-sit for 10 sec with 10 sec rest. That’s only 1 set, do 8.)
5. 3x20 weighted sit ups

1. If you want to go to GSkells bday wod at 9am
2. Shoulder Press 5x5/Superset w/ handstand walk for distance or Work on handstand balance near the wall.
3. Snatch practice- Work @ 50% w/ form (5-10 minutes)
4. For time: 40 wall balls
2 rope climbs
20 wall balls
4 rope climbs
10 wall balls
6 rope climbs
1. Smolov
2. 3 sets 15 GHD sit-ups/ superset 1 minute plank
3. 3 rnds:
5 Muscle ups
10 KB swings
5 Power Cleans @ 75%
10 C2B Pull Ups
Right into…
For Time:
25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20

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