Monday, May 20, 2013

Josh Bridges, 2013 Southern California Regionals Men's Champion

Monday 052013

Max Effort Lower Body -
High Bar Back Squat
Work up to 3 RM, then continue to 1 RM

Assistance -
3x20 GHD Raises
2x20 Good Mornings

Strength -
Strict Press - find 5 RM

Midline -
5x15 Strict Hanging Leg Raise

Post lift loads to comments


  1. Squat - up to 3x265, 1x285 (I suck at squatting after work)

    GM - all 95# (haven't done these much, still getting used to them)

    Press - up to 5x115

    Leg raises were harder than I expected!

  2. Squat- #165 for both (I suck at squatting all the time, but hey, that's why we're doing WS, right?)
    GM- worked up to #85
    Press- 1RM at #85

    GHD sucks.

    Glad we're doing this!!! Wish I could fast forward to the results.


    1. Did you just hashtag that?? :-)

      Compton says he can't figure out how to make posts on here, so he's just going to give us the workout tonight.

  3. #Hashtagsrock

    Maybe we can have a training session tonight. :)
